Focus & Flow Flower Essence


Procrastinating to start that project? Feeling stressed and too much to do? Studying for exams? Focus & Flow Flower Formula reduces stress and anxiety while enhancing mental clarity and motivation.

🌼 Mental clarity, focus, motivation, inspiration, inner calm, inner trust, new insights, ease & flow, consistent progress and enthusiasm.

Recommended for:
🌼Overwhelm & stress, feeling fuzzy, poor memory, fear about the feature, fear of failing, struggling to get started, excellent for procrastinators, daydreamers, writers, creatives, entrepreneurs, students and busy moms.

Allow these precious flowers to support you to kick-start a new project, or get through your to-do list with focus and flow.

“Focus & Flow Flower Formula is one of a kind! I also love the wonderful smell of the Energy Mist and I definitely noticed an increase in inspiration and motivation. Thank you!” – Thembi



Focus & Flow Flower Formula carry the healing energy of flowers.

Unlike essential oils, Flower Essences contain no scent/smell.

Flower Essences work on our emotional, mental and spiritual well being.

To answer more of your questions about Flower Essences, please visit FAQs.


How to use

🌺Gently shake, then take 4 drops on tongue or in water 4 x per day.
🌺A 30ml bottle lasts approximately one month when used consistently.
🌺Make it fun: Add it to your smoothies, morning tea, or your bottle of drinking water.


🌺Hello Sunshine Flower Essences are lovingly made by hand in South Africa, according to the method used by Bach Flower Remedies.
🌺Flower Essences are catalysts for healing and transformation.
🌺Using them is a gentle yet powerful process that unfolds over a few days or even weeks.
🌺Can be taken with food, drink or medication.

Flower Essences

Clears out old trauma which could result in a greater flow of energy throughout the body. Ignites our inner spark, mental awakening and motivation to move forward.

Mental energiser and helps us to be more present in our bodies. Great for daydreamers and procrastinators.

Awakens the mind. Brings order to a chaotic mind. Boosts communication skills.

Wonderful aid for daydreams and procrastinators, to finish projects.

Helps bring clarity to those who have trouble concentrating. Gives us an energy boost when we are feeling tired.

Supports our memory and the recall of information. Stress support & nerve tonic.

Protects our energy field and against EMFs. She helps us to build strong, healthy boundaries.

Promotes harmony, balance, tranquility, wisdom and nourishment.


Purified Water, Brandy (preservative), Vegetable Glycerine (preservative), Corn Flower Essence, Chili Flower Essence, Cosmos Flower Essence, Jacaranda Flower Essence, Peppermint Flower Essence, Rosemary Flower Essence, Golden Yarrow Flower Essence, Pink Water Lily Flower Essence.