Hello Sunshine Flower essences
Hi, I’m Hulda Ludbrook, Founder of Hello Sunshine Flower Essences.

Hi, I’m glad you are here! What I learned over the span of two decades is that sometimes from the hardest things in life the most amazing blessings are born! From discomfort always comes levelling up. I am immensely grateful for the series of events that brought me here.

Running my own business as a graphic designer in 2008, I was at my lowest point with a myriad of health issues, adrenal burnout and toxic relationships.

I yearned for more out of life, more out of my career, and more out of my relationships. I was frustrated with the Western medicine systems having bounced from one mainstream health professional to another without healing.

I knew in my heart there was a different route for me. I became curious about the body’s energy systems, its connection to the earth and how to access the body’s innate wisdom to heal itself.

From 2012, after healing some childhood trauma, my expansion became accelerated. I healed old patterns and unlearned old behaviours.

At this time, although my emotional growth had been rapid, I still struggled with growth in my business and close family relationships. Life happens and we always get the resources we need exactly when they are supposed to arrive!

In 2016 I was introduced to, experienced healing in, and studied both Shamanism and Kinesiology, two exceptionally powerful modalities. In 2017 I launched my holistic healing practice, Creative Kinesiology.

I also studied Reiki and became a practitioner. I could not get enough of these new methods of understanding our energy systems.

I searched for the hidden mysteries and reconnected with my inner guidance. I discovered powerful healing tools and worked with soul retrieval, dreamwork, working with animal totems, plant medicine, and more.

Hello Sunshine Flower Essences
Hello Sunshine Hulda

My family relationships improved, my business grew, my financial abundance upgraded, and my healing toolbox expanded, equipping me with healing techniques to benefit my clients at much deeper levels.

In 2021 I was introduced to Cacao Ceremonies. I fell in love with Cacao and her gentle energy. Later that year Flower Essences started calling me.

Everything about Flower Essences worked for me. It came quite naturally, because I already had the tools to connect with the healing energy of plants.

Flower Essences ticked so many boxes for me. I love flowers. I love vibrational energy. I love aromatherapy. I love inventing and bringing new ideas to life. I love having monthly themes for my Love Box. I love witnessing women blossoming!

I have a passion for energy healing and invite clients who wish to shift, using profound alternative therapies, to connect with me.